Coronavirus Self-Isolation Special
Win a $100 Wine Education Voucher
How well do you know Margaret River and the wineries located there?
Well, if you know them well (or like using Google) then you could be on the way to a great prize
In the puzzle are some of the many Margaret River wineries.
How many can you find?
The person who can find the most winery names will win a $100 Vinum Vitae C&S Wine Education Gift Voucher*
The winery names may have had spaces, punctuation, "&" and words such as "wines", "winery", "vineyard", "estate" and similar words removed. The names can be horizontal, vertical or diagonal, and in any direction
* Entry Conditions:
the voucher is not combinable with any other voucher or offer
the entrant must be a current Vinum Vitae C&S website subscriber. Subscribe Here
the voucher is to be used as part-payment of a booking of online Awards in Wines or Spirits course facilitated by Vinum Vitae C&S
send an email to with the names of the Margaret River wineries you have found in the puzzle as well as the column & row of the first letter.
Email entries to be sent on or before the 30th April 2020 (23:59) to be in the running to win, late entrants will not be accepted
keep the puzzle, and where the winery names were found for validation, when requested
in the event of a draw, the winner will be picked from a hat of drawn entries
the winner will be notified by email by the 10th May 2020
Vinum Vitae C&S has the final decision